+420 602 233 515
ACE Consulting
PhDr. Naďa Štullerová
„I enjoy diversity in my work, for me a person is an endless well of the unknown and getting to know them is still a challenge for me.“
Naďa studied psychology at the Charles University in Prague. She started working in child and adulthood psychological consultancy. She worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Prague. She also worked abroad as a quality manager in the company LEVIŚ Straus for a few years and then she removed to the Czech Republic and settled there working in personnel consultancy.
She is the director of ACE Consulting, she attended international internships and finished postgraduate education at the Charles University. Naďa is a certified professional coach (ICF), she has the European Certificate of Psychology, she is certified for using the psychological and professional tests focused on the managerial skills and also for the traffic-psychological assessments.
In ACE Consulting Naďa is a guarantor of the majority of its activities – the realization of the psychological assessments, assessment and development centers, 360° feedback, satisfaction surveys and other development events. She is a member of many professional organizations and publishes in both scientific journals and popular magazines.
What makes me happy? Nowadays all the small children in my closest surroundings bring me the greatest joy. They are the inspiration for everything that an adult tends to forget.
What do I usually do to relax? I go to the mountains – whether it is downhill skiing in my beloved France or cross-country skiing in the Jizerské Mountains. I always feel good accompanied with palatable wine, cracking fireplace and my favourite book.
ACE Consulting s.r.o.
Konviktská 24, 110 00 Praha 1
phone: +420 222 005 105, +420 222 005 113
e-mail: info@ace-consulting.cz